University of Wuppertal

„(...) neue Bedürfnisse werden dem Konsumenten von der Produktionsseite her anerzogen.“

Joseph A. Schumpeter

„Eher legt sich ein Hund einen Wurstvorrat an als eine demokratische Regierung eine Budgetreserve.“

Joseph A. Schumpeter

„Das Alte auf eine neue Weise tun - das ist Innovation.“

Joseph A. Schumpeter

„Der Kapitalismus stirbt am Nervenzusammen- bruch der Unternehmer."

Joseph A. Schumpeter

„Optimismus muß nicht unbedingt ein Zeichen von Pflichtvergessenheit sein.“

Joseph A. Schumpeter

„Wachstum ist ein Prozess schöpferischer Entwertung.“

Joseph A. Schumpeter

„Die Praxis von heute ist die Theorie der Großväter.“

Joseph A. Schumpeter

The Schumpeter School Award

In 2011 the Schumpeter School of Business and Economics and the Schumpeter School Foundation established the Schumpeter School Award for Business and Economic Analysis. The ambition behind this award is to highlight the importance of the work of Joseph A. Schumpeter, to stimulate Schumpeterian research, and to diffuse this research among scholars and practitioners. Although Schumpeterian research is often mainly associated with Schumpeter’s seminal contributions to the fields of innovation and entrepreneurship, Schumpeterian research covers much more research areas and has dispersed across a broad spectrum of academic disciplines. Schumpeterian research is highly relevant for economics, business administration, management, political science, and sociology.

The Schumpeter School Award for Business and Economic Analysis is awarded for significant scientific contributions to Schumpeterian research. The Award is given to scholars who contribute theoretical or empirical research of outstanding quality and importance. The Prize Committee consists of elected members of the faculty of the Schumpeter School of Business and Economics and of the Schumpeter School Foundation.

Thanks to a generous donation from the Stadtsparkasse Wuppertal, the prize is awarded every two years and is endowed with 10.000 euros.

Associated with the Schumpeter School Award are a doctoral seminar and a research workshop. On the day before the award ceremony, the laureate discusses her/his research with doctoral students in a doctoral seminar. The day of the award ceremony starts with a scientific workshop on Schumpeterian research, relatetd to the research of the awardee, and the award ceremony takes place in the afternoon.

The schedule of the Schumpeter School Award covers two days: on the first day, the award winner discusses state-of-the art research with doctoral students in a doctoral seminar. The second day starts with a scientific workshop on certain topics of Schumpeterian research and the award ceremony takes place in the afternoon.


Fakultät für Wirtschaftswissenschaft
Schumpeter School of Business and Economics
Raum: M.11.07
Gaußstraße 20
42119 Wuppertal
Tel: +49 (0)202 / 439- 24 37
Fax: + 49 (0)202 / 439- 28 89