2011 Award Winner

David B. Audretsch
Indiana University
For his contributions to the study of innovation processes and the role of entrepreneurial activity for economic growth
David Audretsch is well-known for his impressive contributions to entrepreneurship and innovation research. He has produced outstanding empirical research dealing with the antecedents and consequences of innovation and entrepreneurship.
His seminal work on innovation processes has a strong influence on current innovation research. In several academic articles Audretsch and his co-authors examined the geographical clustering of innovation activities pointing to the relevance of knowledge spillovers. A second important area of David Audretsch’s research focuses on the economics of entrepreneurship and small business research. He examined the role of small firms in innovation processes and analyzed the relevance of industry characteristics. David Audretsch has made significant contributions to our understanding of the factors that influence the amount of entrepreneurial activity in an organization or in a region and the impact of entrepreneurship on organizational and regional economic performance and growth. In addition, he has empirically investigated various important aspects of entrepreneurship, such as academic entrepreneurship and university-industry links. David Audretsch also established the journal Small Business Economics – An Entrepreneurship Journal which has developed over the past two decades into a very important journal for entrepreneurship and small business research.
David Audretsch’s academic research has been published in leading academic journals and he is one of the most cited economists worldwide. Furthermore, his research results serve as a guiding light to public policy. He has testified before the United States Congress and he also works as a consultant to the United Nations, the World Bank, and the European Commission.
His outstanding contributions to Schumpeterian research qualify David Audretsch for the Schumpeter School Award for Business and Economic Analysis.
Paul J. J. Welfens' Laudatio
See David B. Audretsch's Acceptance speech (German)
The ceremony of 2011 is available as Podcast in German.
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Paneldiscussion about "Innovation dynamics and Entrepreneurship: New Challenges for USA, Europe and China": Prof. Dr. Lambert T. Koch, Rector of the Bergische Universität Wuppertal, Prof. Dr. Dietmar Harhoff, Director of the Institute of Innovation Research, Technology Management and Entrepreneurship at University of Munich, Prof. Dr. Werner Bönte, Schumpeter School, Entrepreneur Thomas Riedel, Prof. David B. Audretsch, Ph.D., laudatory speaker Prof. Dr. Paul J.J. Welfens, Schumpeter School, Moderator Malte Fischer and Ulrich Schüller, Director of the Department Science System at the Federal Ministery of Education and Research

Award Ceremony: Prof. Dr. Lambert T. Koch, Rector of the Bergische Universität Wuppertal, Helmut Dockter, State Secretary of the Ministry for Climate Protection, Environment, Agriculture, Nature Conservation and Consumer Protection of the German State of North Rhine-Westphalia, Dr. h.c. Peter Vaupel, CEO of the Stadtsparkasse Wuppertal and donator of the prize, Prof. Dr. David B. Audretsch, Ph.D., laudatory speaker Prof. Dr. Paul J.J. Welfens, Dr.h.c. Josef Beutelmann, chairman of the council of universitites, Dean Prof. Dr. Michael Fallgatter and Organizer Prof. Dr. Werner Bönte