2013 Award Winner

Dietmar Harhoff




Max Planck Institute for Innovation and Competition



For his contributions to the study of intellectual property and its relevance for innovation and innovative entrepreneurship


Dietmar Harhoff has made significant contributions to our understanding of the role of intellectual property for innovation and entrepreneurial finance. Through a number of highly relevant publications that have appeared in leading academic journals he has advanced research in the fields of innovation and entrepreneurship.

Dietmar Harhoff has made eminent theoretical, empirical as well as institutional contributions to innovation research. He has investigated patent citations and their link to the value of patented inventions, and the incentives of firms to freely reveal their property innovations and to engage in open source activities. Moreover, he has studied the cost and benefits of patent systems in Europe and the United States.

Moreover, Harhoff’s research on venture capital (VC) and entrepreneurial finance is highly relevant for our understanding of VC-backed entrepreneurship. He has examined the decision making of venture capitalist’s (VC) with respect to the evaluation of start-up teams. Furthermore, he has studied how the patenting process may help innovative new ventures to overcome information asymmetries and how this affects the ability of new ventures to attract VC financing.

Harhoff’s research has important implications for academics and practitioners alike. His research results are relevant for strategic management as well as for economic policy. He is a member of various academic associations and editorial boards of scientific journals and he is the chairman of the Commission of Experts for Research and Innovation established by the German government.

Finally, Harhoff’s work bridges the gap between management research and economic research which is another excellent reason to award Dietmar Harhoff with the Schumpeter School Award for Business and Economic Analysis.

Foto: David Ausserhofer

Curriculum Vitae

2013 Director at the Max Planck Institute for Innovation and Competition (Innovation and Entrepreneurship Research)

1998 Honorary Professor at LMU München

1996 Venia Legendi, Universität Mannheim

1991 Ph.D, Sloan School of Management des Massachusetts Institute of Technology

1987 MPA, John F. Kennedy School of Government der Harvard University

1984 Dipl. Ing., Universität Dortmund

Award Ceremony on June 21st, 2013:

Program (german)

Program award ceremony (german)

Laudatio Prof. Dr. Peter Witt

Acceptance speech Prof. Dietmar Harhoff, Ph.D.



The ceremony of 2013 is available as Podcast in German.
