Award Winner 2021

Photo: Stephan Huger

Nikolaus Franke




Institute for Entrepreneurship & Innovation of the Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration


For his outstanding research contributions on the topics of mass customisation and user innovations.


On April the 29th, 2022, the Schumpeter School of Business and Economics of the University of Wuppertal awarded the Schumpeter School Award for the sixth time.

This year's award winner Professor Nikolaus Franke is head of the Institute for Entrepreneurship and Innovation at the Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration and one of the world's leading experts in the field of innovation management. The Schumpeter School Award, sponsored by the Schumpeter School Foundation and financed by the Stadtsparkasse Wuppertal, is awarded to internationally renowned economists and recognises outstanding academic achievements in the spirit of Joseph A. Schumpeter's economic and innovation research.

Curriculum Vitae

2015-2016 Visiting Professor Massachusetts Institute of Technology

seit 2001 Professor for Entrepreneurship and Innovation WU Wien

2001 Venia Legendi for Business Administration

2000-2001 Visiting Professor Massachusetts Institute of Technology

1999 Visiting Professor WU Wien

1997 PhD at University Munich

1997-2001 Assistant Professor, University of Munich

1994-1997 Teaching and Research Assistant University of Munich

Excerpt from:

Award Ceremony on April 29th, 2022:

Award ceremony programme

Laudatory speech by Prof. Dr. Peter Witt

Acceptance Speech by Prof. Dr. Nikolaus Franke

Pictures of the Award Ceremony